Transforming Amazon's Operations: Leveraging Oracle Cloud-Based ERP with Advanced Analytics for Data-Driven Success
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Background: This research paper discusses a detailed exploration of Amazon's adoption of Oracle ERP Cloud, focusing on the strategic benefits of the implementation and the challenges and wider implications of implementing cloud-based ERP solutions within one of the world's largest and most complex enterprises. Further, it is detailed how, through a strict selection process, Amazon was led to settle for Oracle ERP Cloud from several leading ERP systems in the market. It also brings forth the criteria and evaluations at hand that guided this decision-making.
Method: This technique focuses on the phased rollout strategy, showing how Amazon brought the ERP system incrementally across departments, beginning with finance and procurement. It underlines the important role played by cross-functional teamwork, depicting efforts between finance, supply chain, HR, and IT teams to smooth implementation.
Results: The study shows how deep technologies such as AI, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and blockchain are integrated into the ERP system. These go a long way to increase the decision-making ability and better operation of security, with improved transparency in Amazon; they provide it with real-time analytics, predictive insights, and improved transparency.
Conclusion: Implementing Oracle ERP Cloud at Amazon sheds light on how scalable and cost-efficient cloud-based ERP solutions are. The availability of real-time data access and advanced analytics has spurred data-driven decision-making, but issues such as data migration and security require careful consideration in the planning process. This work provides valuable insights for enterprises seeking to implement similar ERP systems.
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