From 1G to 6G: Review of history of Wireless Technology Development, Architecture, Applications, and Challenges
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Understanding the concentrations of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and greenhouse gases is very important in solving the problem of climate change. The advent of 6G technology will point to the start of a new revolution in wireless communication and networking. There have been great achievements in terms of networks and transmission of information. This review article provides a comprehensive assessment of 6G, it is equally important to track the evolution process of this technology starting from the conceptual stage up to now. This article explores new features that may potentially transform the global landscape for 6G; identifies major historical events that have shaped the evolution of 6G and stressing the importance equity in terms of technological enhancements and novelties that define it from the preceding generations. Although 6G has promise, it also faces issues, which includes the scarcity of spectrum, and the need for relatively more complex equipment and software integration and the call for enhanced energy efficiency. And goes on to understand the use of 6G, such as reliable and high-speed transmission without delay, transmission between a large number of machines. This review is to provide an analysis of 6G and to take a look at all the features in order to understand the new technology. trend and how it affects various fields in the society.
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