Integrating Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms to Enhance Gene-Disease Classification: An XBNet-Based Framework

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Rana Khalid Hamad


In bioinformatics, the classification of gene-disease associations is crucial. It directly affects whether we can untangle the genetic roots of various disease as well as if we will find some justifiable therapy for these cured diseases.Using XBNet to construct genetic algorithms for higher accuracy and speeds of gene-disease classification--this is the method developed in the book.Consisting of gene expression profiles for six diseases--Alzheimer's, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Fabry and Down syndrome--our research has applied a comprehensive pre-processing technique to this data set from Kaggle. This has included such things as eliminating stop-words and punctuation marks and tokenization. Using the terms of Frequency (TF) and of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF method) for features extraction, our text data on genes are transformed into numerical axes fit for input to machine learning models.


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Integrating Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms to Enhance Gene-Disease Classification: An XBNet-Based Framework (R. K. Hamad , Trans.). (2025). Babylonian Journal of Machine Learning, 2025, 1-12.