CryptoGenSec: A Hybrid Generative AI Algorithm for Dynamic Cryptographic Cyber Defence
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As the world of cybersecurity constantly changes, traditional cryptographic techniques have faced limitations in the context of today's sophisticated and dynamic threats. Existing protections usually adopt static algorithms and key structures, making it difficult for them to resist the categories of modern attacks. This research paper, therefore, presents CryptoGenSec, a brand-new generative AI algorithm based on a hybrid consisting of generative adversarial networks (GANs) on reconnaissance learning (RL), for the purpose of increasing cryptographic cyber defences. CryptoGenSec applies a GAN to simulate various types of attack scenarios in cyberspace to perceive possible vulnerabilities. Then, RL refines the response strategies of our algorithm through recursive learning from the above simulations in real time and realizes the dynamic adaptation and evolution of defense mechanisms. By assessing the results of CryptoGenSec’s performance when traditional security methods are used as baselines, we can use several metrics for evaluation, such as detection accuracy, response time, resilience and evolution ability. According to these findings, the superiority of CryptoGenSec over conventional mechanisms becomes evident. To be more specific, it even shows an overwhelming edge in terms of threat detection, resulting in a 20% increase in speed of response, a 30% decrease in speed of response, and resisting power, making it 25% harder than the other methods. Moreover, it has a greater possibility of eliminating false-positive effects, which usually come from new and even dawned jeopardy: 50%. Moreover, to highlight the making-a-fortune frauds in the zero-day world, a comparison of the cohorts makes CryptoGenSec a 40% upper step. Stopping attackers from taking away all their data is also its plus point, which gains 95% achievement, whereas using mere methods only results in a 70% possibility. An enormous step in cybersecurity was taken with the combination of GANs and RL within the CryptoGenSec algorithm. Instead of being defenceless against all attacks, this approach changes and matches the threat level when necessary. The highly promising results presented here demonstrate its potential as a crucial technology for addressing the growing complexities of cyber challenges. This is a large step toward making defensive mechanisms more efficient and reliable.
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