The scientific miracle in the Almighty's saying ( and his eyes became white from grief )

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Zainab nayef Jaser


This study addressed the relationship between grief and its impact on physical and psychological health, focusing on the Quranic verse from Surat Yusuf: "And he turned away from them and said, "Oh, my grief for Joseph, and his eyes turned white from grief, while he was suppressing [it]" (Yusuf 84), which indicates that severe grief may lead to loss of vision. The opinions of the great interpreters are reviewed in interpreting the verse and analyzing it linguistically. The study also reviews the results of recent scientific research on the impact of severe grief on health, especially its effect on the eye. The results show that severe grief can lead to increased levels of the hormone adrenaline, which in turn leads to increased blood sugar and cataracts. The study discusses the interpretations of Muslim scholars for this phenomenon, and also sheds light on the experience of Dr. Abdul Basit Muhammad Sayyid, who was inspired by the Qur’anic verse to develop a medical drop to treat cataracts.

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How to Cite

The scientific miracle in the Almighty’s saying ( and his eyes became white from grief ) (Z. nayef Jaser , Trans.). (2023). Mesopotamian Journal of Quran Studies, 2023, 69-71.