The cognitive and scientific method of Al-Ghazali

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Omar Saadi Abbas Al-Hayali


Science and work hold great significance in Islamic thought. Science is considered a means to understand the Islamic religion and its teachings. Islam encourages scientific research and the use of reason to comprehend the universe and the signs of God. Science is viewed as a tool for societal development and achieving social and economic progress. It is also seen as a way to attain piety by strengthening the relationship with God. Islam glorifies excellence in science, encourages the pursuit of justice, and emphasizes serving society through knowledge.

As for work, in Islam, it encompasses all physical and mental activities performed with the aim of production and benefit, whether in this world or the hereafter. Work is considered an act of worship and obedience to God, contributing to the flourishing of life and the stability of society. Work is regarded as a form of striving (jihad) to seek sustenance and goodness, provided that one adheres to the limits and commands of God. This ensures a good life and strength for both the individual and the community

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How to Cite

The cognitive and scientific method of Al-Ghazali (O. S. A. Al-Hayali , Trans.). (2024). Mesopotamian Journal of Quran Studies, 2024, 80-88.