The story of prophet Zechariah in Surah Maryam, study and analysis

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Jaber Ismail Hajajh
Shafi bin Safar Al-Hajri


Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is for the sake of the best and best sciences, because it is one of the sciences of the Holy Qur’an, the Mighty Book of God, to which falsehood does not come from before it or behind it. I chose interpretation as a student in the Fundamentals of Religion department, and we have the right to write about it in addition to hadith and doctrine. However, I decided to research it in order to seek reward, and in application of the noble Prophet’s hadith: ((The best of you is he who learns and teaches the Qur’an)).

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How to Cite

The story of prophet Zechariah in Surah Maryam, study and analysis (Jaber Ismail Hajajh & Shafi bin Safar Al-Hajri , Trans.). (2022). Mesopotamian Journal of Quran Studies, 2023, 24-32.