About the Journal

The Babylonian Journal of Artificial Intelligence (BJAI) (EISSN: 3006-5437), published by the Mesopotamian Academic Press, is a premier scholarly publication dedicated to the exploration, advancement, and dissemination of cutting-edge research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a pivotal platform for researchers, academics, and industry practitioners, BJAI is committed to publishing high-quality, original articles that delve into various aspects of AI methodologies, applications, and innovations.

The journal covers a broad spectrum of AI-related topics, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, autonomous systems, ethical AI, human-AI interaction, and AI-driven decision-making. This diverse range of subjects highlights the journal's dedication to encompassing the full breadth of the AI field.

BJAI maintains academic rigor through a stringent peer-review process, ensuring that only impactful contributions that push the boundaries of AI research and development are published. This commitment to quality and innovation is central to the journal's mission.

By fostering interdisciplinary discussions and collaboration, BJAI aims to be at the forefront of shaping the future of artificial intelligence. The journal offers valuable insights, breakthroughs, and ethical considerations that drive innovation and progress in this rapidly evolving field. BJAI's role is not only to present current research but also to influence the direction and ethical landscape of AI development globally.