This issue has been available online since 10th January 2023 for the regular issue of 2023. All articles in this issue (19 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 45 authors from 11 countries, showcasing a diverse and global collaboration of research excellence.

Countries Represented

Lebanon Lebanon Indonesia Indonesia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan India India Malaysia Malaysia Jordan Jordan Turkey Turkey Russia Russia USA USA Egypt Egypt Iraq Iraq

Published: 2023-12-15

Improved GIS-T model for finding the shortest paths in graphs

Raed Abdulkareem Hasan, Mustafa Mahmood Akawee, Tole Sutikno


Chatgpt4, DALLĀ·E, Bard, Claude, BERT: Open Possibilities

Ahmed Hussein Ali, Mohammad Alajanbi, Mohanad G. Yaseen, Saad Abbas Abed


Review of deep learning: Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm

Abdulazeez Khlaif Shathir Alsajri, Abdullayev Vugar Hacimahmud


Machine Learning Basics: A Comprehensive Guide. A Review

Alok Singh Chauhan, H Mary Henrietta


An Effective Deep Learning Model for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Detection Using Artificial Neural Network

Ahmed Adil Nafea, Aythem Khairi Kareem, Meaad Ali Khalaf , Mohammed M AL-Ani


Overview of Neural Networks

Maad M. Mijwel, Adam Esen, Aysar Shamil

42- 45

Analysis and prediction of rainfall using support vector machine (SVM) in the city of Najaf

H. K. Al-Mahdawi, Hussein Alkattan, Alhumaima Ali Subhi , Haider Flaiyih Al-hadrawi, Mostafa Abotaleb, Ghassan K. Ali, Maad M. Mijwil, Al-Sayed K. Towfeek, Amr Hosny Helal


Analysis and prediction of evaporation rates using random forest models: a case study of Almaty city

H. K. Al-Mahdawi, Hussein Alkattan, Alhumaima Ali Subhi , Haider Flaiyih Al-hadrawi, Mostafa Abotaleb, Ghassan K. Ali, Maad M. Mijwil, Al-Sayed K. Towfeek, Amr Hosny Helal


Detecting attacks in banks by cyber security: an applied study

Hadeel M Saleh , Abdulrahman Kareem Oleiwi, Ahmed Abed Hwaidi Abed


Diagnosis of HIV (AIDS) by Using deep learning and machine learning

Hadeel M Saleh , Abdulrahman Kareem Oleiwi, Ahmed Abed Hwaidi Abed
