The impact of Blockchain technique on trustworthy healthcare sector
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Following the COVID epidemic, the healthcare sector faced numerous issues as telehealth became more prevalent and the necessity for a safe and efficient healthcare record system became critical. Many issues plague the healthcare industry today, including security, trust, data availability, and drug traceability. Blockchain technology is a relatively new technology that has demonstrated its effectiveness in a variety of industries, including finance, banking, bitcoin, and healthcare. This research investigates the impact of blockchain on the trustworthiness of healthcare. The authors adopt a descriptive-analytical methodology. The trustworthiness of the healthcare sector is considered a dependent variable. However, blockchain technology is considered an independent variable. Three dimensions of dependent variables were explored: integrity, confidence, and reliability. For studying this impact, a questionnaire of 25 items was created and distributed to the stakeholders in the healthcare sector in the north of Lebanon. The collected answers were analyzed using the SPSS application and statistical tools. The results verify that the use of blockchain technology has a great impact on healthcare trustworthiness with its three dimensions (integrity, confidence, and reliability).
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