Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Unveiling the Threat Landscape in Network Security

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Raheela zaib
Kai-Qing Zhou


Today's digital ecosystem is particularly vulnerable to attacks due to zero-day vulnerabilities. Attackers take advantage of these flaws, which software developers and security experts are unaware of, leading to catastrophic outcomes. Through an analysis of their lifetime, discovery approaches, exploitation methods, disclosure protocols, and patching strategies, this study tries to reveal the danger landscape of zero-day vulnerabilities. We examine the effects of zero-day vulnerabilities on network security and the difficulties that businesses confront by reviewing the relevant literature and discussing actual cases. We also investigate preventative measures and methods of defense, such as intrusion and anomaly detection systems and cutting-edge AI. We stress the need for responsible disclosure, prompt patching, and continued research to counter these difficult to detect dangers. In order to better understand zero-day vulnerabilities, implement countermeasures, and respond to them, this article is an invaluable resource for researchers, security experts, and organizations.


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How to Cite
zaib, R., & Zhou, K.-Q. (2022). Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Unveiling the Threat Landscape in Network Security . Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 2022, 57–64.


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