The Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (MJAIH) (E-ISSN: 3005-365X)  is a publication that presents original articles spanning various interdisciplinary viewpoints concerning the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, medicine, and medically oriented human biology. It encompasses the scientific domain dedicated to research endeavors, projects, and practical applications aimed at enhancing decision-making in medical contexts through computer-based solutions that harness knowledge and data, ultimately augmenting the performance of healthcare providers. MJAIH requires that papers refer to real-world medical domains, thoroughly examining them from both technical and medical standpoints. Authors are encouraged to include a clinical assessment, evaluating the practicality and potential impact of their submissions. The journal seeks novelty in the methodological and theoretical aspects of submitted papers, primarily within the realms of AI and Computer Science. Methodological papers propose strategies and associated methods to address scientific issues in specific domains, often backed by experimental evaluations demonstrating the applicability of the proposed methodology in medicine, medically oriented human biology, and healthcare. Such papers should also compare their proposals with existing approaches and explicitly discuss innovative elements. Theoretical papers concentrate on fundamental, broad, and formal AI topics, elucidating the anticipated novel effects of their solutions in medical or healthcare domains.

Topic Information

MJAIH welcomes submissions of technical, experimental, methodological, and data analytical contributions cantered on real-world challenges and systems, as well as general applications of AI, data mining, and data analytics in emerging technological solutions and real-world scenarios related to life, disease, cancer, healthcare, and hospitals. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • AI-based clinical decision-making.
  • Knowledge-based and agent-based systems.
  • Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine.
  • Intelligent and process-aware information systems in healthcare and medicine.
  • Natural language processing in healthcare.
  • Data analytics and mining for biomedical decision support.
  • Innovative computational platforms and models for biomedicine.
  • Intelligent utilization of diverse data sources to support decision-based and data-intensive clinical tasks.
  • Intelligent devices and instruments.
  • Automated reasoning and meta-reasoning in medicine.
  • Machine learning applications in medicine, medically oriented human biology, and healthcare.
  • The intersection of AI and data science in medicine, medically oriented human biology, and healthcare.
  • AI-based modelling and management of healthcare pathways and clinical guidelines.
  • Models and systems for AI-driven population health.
  • The role of AI in medical and healthcare education.
  • The role of AI in radiology,
  • Exploring methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues related to AI in healthcare, medically oriented human biology, and medicine.
  • Brain-computer interfacing
  • Brain waves, neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG, MEG, PET, NIR)
  • Neural circuits: artificial and biological
  • Neural control and neural system analysis
  • Learning theory (supervised/unsupervised/reinforcement learning)
  • Knowledge based neural networks, probabilistic, spatial, and temporal knowledge representation, and reasoning.
  • Learning Classifiers
  • More….

MJAIH publishes various types of papers, including original research contributions, methodological reviews/surveys/Systematic review, editorials, letters to the editor, book reviews, and historical perspectives.

Open Access

Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is an open access journal. All articles are immediately available to read and download.


Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is a peer-reviewed journal, established in 2023 and is issued by Mesopotamian Academic Press