The Mesopotamian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (MJCSC) welcomes submissions that contribute significantly to the scientific communities in the fields of science, engineering, and information technology. To ensure the highest standards of quality and adhere to best practices in open access publishing, authors are advised to follow these comprehensive guidelines closely.

1. Manuscript Preparation and Formatting

  • Template Use: Manuscripts must be prepared using the MJCSC Word or LaTeX templates. These templates provide the correct formatting for the article structure, including headings, font sizes, and spacing.
  • Structure: Your manuscript should include the following sections: Title, Authors and Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, Conflicts of Interest, Funding, and References.
  • Article Information: Include article history (received, accepted, and published dates). Keywords should accurately reflect the manuscript's content.
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms: Define all abbreviations and acronyms upon their first appearance in the text and in the abstract. Avoid using abbreviations in the title.
  • Equations: Format equations correctly, ensuring they are numbered consecutively. Use appropriate fonts and symbols for clarity.
  • Figures and Tables: Adhere to specified guidelines for positioning, citing, and formatting figures and tables. Provide clear captions and labels.

2. Originality and Prior Publication

  • Manuscripts must be original and not previously published or under review elsewhere. This includes preprints and conference presentations.

3. Peer Review Process

  • The MJCSC employs a double-blind peer review process to assess manuscripts for originality, clarity, and significance. Authors can expect feedback within approximately four weeks.

4. Open Access Policy

  • MJCSC is an open access journal, promoting free and unlimited access to its content, following the DOAJ principles for ethical and accessible research dissemination. No submission or processing fees are charged.

5. Ethical Considerations

  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Ensure compliance with ethical standards for research involving humans or animals, including necessary approvals from ethics committees.

6. Data Availability

  • Authors are encouraged to share research data or provide a data availability statement, supporting transparency and replication of research.

7. Author Identification

  • Provide ORCID iDs for all authors to ensure proper identification and enhance the visibility of the work.

8. Funding and Acknowledgments

  • Clearly state the funding sources and acknowledge contributions from individuals or organizations.

9. Conflicts of Interest

  • Declare any financial, personal, or professional conflicts of interest.

Submission Process

  • Online Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted through the MJCSC's online submission system. Ensure the manuscript adheres to the format outlined by the provided templates.
  • Cover Letter: Include a cover letter stating the manuscript's originality, significance to the field, and that it is not under consideration elsewhere.


  • Review and Revision: Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewer feedback. Timely and thorough revisions can expedite the publication process.
  • Proofs: Before publication, authors will receive proofs of their manuscript. Review these carefully for errors and provide corrections promptly.

Contacting the Editors

If you have not received feedback within four weeks, or if you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact the editorial office.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors ensure their work is evaluated fairly and published promptly, contributing valuable research to the global scientific community.