Enhancement of The Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms to Rival Deep Learning Algorithms in Predicting Stock Prices.

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Rusul Mansoor Al-Amri
Ahmed Adnan Hadi
Mayameen S. Kadhim
Ayad Hameed Mousa
Ali Z.K Matloob
Hasanain Flayyih Hasan


This paper objectives to improve stock market prediction accuracy by training data on sentiment analysis of tweets, overcoming volatility and complexity. Utilizing the Use of natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, the tweet's sentiments were classified into (negative - neutral - and positive). The stock value price was predicted by implementing Machine learning algorithms (KNN, SVM, GBM, LR, DT, RF, EL). Among the techniques of ML, (GBM) achieved the greatest results in terms of accuracy (96%). Its results were compared with the results of a deep learning algorithm that uses the same data where GBM   got better results, and other algorithms showed results (KNN = 55%, SVM=90%, LR=82%, DT=90%, RF=90%, EL = 88%). The results obtained were superior to previous studies.

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How to Cite

Enhancement of The Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms to Rival Deep Learning Algorithms in Predicting Stock Prices. (R. M. Al-Amri, A. A. Hadi, M. S. Kadhim, A. H. Mousa, A. Z. Matloob, & H. F. Hasan , Trans.). (2024). Babylonian Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 118-127. https://doi.org/10.58496/BJAI/2024/012