This issue has been available online since 10th January 2024 for the regular issue of 2024. All articles in this issue (16 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 60 authors from 13 countries (Iraq, Malaysia, Spain, India, Turkey, Kenya, Tunisia, Greece, Ghana, Sweden, Syria, Lebanon, Australia)

Published: 2024-12-15

A Review of Using Chatgpt for Scientific Manuscript Writing

Ahmed Adil Nafea, Mohammed M AL-Ani, Meaad Ali Khalaf , Mustafa S. Ibrahim Alsumaidaie

9 - 13

A Survey on the Potential of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Tourism Information Services

Osamah Mohammed Alyasiri, Kalaivani Selvaraj, Hussain A. Younis, Thaeer Mueen Sahib, Muthana Faaeq Almasoodi , Israa M. Hayder


Enhancing Agriculture Crop Classification with Deep Learning

Yasmin Makki Mohialden, Nadia Mahmood Hussien , Saba Abdulbaqi Salman, Ahmed Bahaaulddin A. Alwahhab, Mumtaz Ali


Enhanced Priority-Integrated Mult winner Voting Software

Firas Ali Hashim, Qabas Abdal Zahraa , Nadia Mahmood Hussien, Yasmin Makki Mohialden


A Brief Review on Preprocessing Text in Arabic Language Dataset: Techniques and Challenges

Ahmed Adil Nafea; Muhmmad Shihab Muayad (Author); Russel R Majeed , Ashour Ali , Omar M. Bashaddadh, Meaad Ali Khalaf , Abu Baker Nahid Sami , Amani Steiti


Elderly People Health Care Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IOT) For Exploratory Data Analysis

Rahul Sanmugam Gopi, R. Suganthi, J. Jasmine Hephzipah, G. Amirthayogam, P.N. Sundararajan, T. Pushparaj


Healthcare Analysis Based on Diabetes Prediction Using a Cuckoo-Based Deep Convolutional Long-Term Memory Algorithm

T. Kavitha, G. Amirthayogam, J. Jasmine Hephzipah, R. Suganthi, Venkata Anjani Kumar G, T. Chelladurai


Enhancement of The Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms to Rival Deep Learning Algorithms in Predicting Stock Prices.

Rusul Mansoor Al-Amri , Ahmed Adnan Hadi , Mayameen S. Kadhim , Ayad Hameed Mousa, Ali Z.K Matloob, Hasanain Flayyih Hasan


Smart Wearables Powered by AI Transforming Human Activity Recognition

Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Abeer Mohammed Shanshool
