Theoretical Background of steganography

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Shams N. Abdul-wahab
Mostafa Abdulghafoor Mohammed
Omar A. Hammood


 Steganography is a form of encryption which has been used since the days of ancient Greece. It is a method of hiding information within other data. For instance, you may have a company logo in your email, and if someone intercepted the emails being sent, they would see only the innocuous image data. But if they could get access to the same file on your hard drive, they would realise that it contains a message. Steganography deals with hiding the secret information in the cover medium with as minimum distortion as possible. Three types of hiding; text hiding, speech hiding, and encrypted text hiding in coded images are presented in this paper. Also, the challenges and future directions are presented


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Shams N. Abdul-wahab, Mostafa Abdulghafoor Mohammed, & Omar A. Hammood. (2021). Theoretical Background of steganography. Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 2021, 22–32.