The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Overview

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Maad M. Mijwil
Omega John Unogwu
Karan Kumar


In the era of the development of information technology, artificial intelligence has become a vital part of the process of developing electronic applications and platforms. Recent years have witnessed tremendous growth in the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in healthcare services and helping healthcare workers to track patients and produce medicines, as well as in emergency medicine. The possibilities of artificial intelligence in the medical domain are enormous and include magnetic imaging applications, disease prediction, continuous monitoring of vital signs, and monitoring the spread of epidemics. This article will discuss the importance and role of artificial intelligence in emergency medicine while highlighting its profitable contributions to assisting healthcare workers.



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How to Cite
Maad M. Mijwil, Omega John Unogwu, & Karan Kumar. (2023). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Overview . Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, 2023, 1–6.