Artificial Intelligence's Significance in Diseases with Malignant Tumours

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Ruchi Doshi
Kamal Kant Hiran
Murat Gök
El-Sayed M. El-kenawy
Amr Badr
Mostafa Abotaleb


In the field of medicine, artificial intelligence has become a useful tool, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders with malignant tumours. Deep learning and machine learning algorithms, for example, have significant promise for increasing the precision and effectiveness of tumour diagnosis and treatment. The importance of AI in diseases with malignant tumours is examined in this work, with particular attention paid to its function in medication discovery, therapy prediction, and medical imaging analysis. It also emphasizes the difficulties and restrictions related to the application of AI, such as problems with poor data quality, as well as the requirement for legal and moral considerations. Basically, AI offers exciting possibilities to improve personalized treatment, early detection, and research developments in oncology, but careful consideration must be given to ensure appropriate and successful integration into clinical practice.


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How to Cite
Doshi, R., Kamal Kant Hiran, Murat Gök, El-Sayed M. El-kenawy, Amr Badr, & Mostafa Abotaleb. (2023). Artificial Intelligence’s Significance in Diseases with Malignant Tumours. Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, 2023, 35–39.