This issue has been available online since 10th January 2024 for the regular issue of 2024. All articles in this issue (19 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 59 authors from 19 countries.

Countries Represented

Bahrain BHR Egypt EGY Ghana GHA Iraq IRQ Jordan JOR Kuwait KWT United Arab Emirates UAE Nigeria NGA Malaysia MYS Russia RUS Uganda UGA India IND USA USA Greece GRC China CHN Albania ALB Nepal NPL Kenya KEN Ethiopia ETH

Published: 2024-12-15

Exploring Deep Learning Methods Used in the Medical Device Sector

Fredrick Kayusi, Benson Turyasingura, Petros Chavula, Orucho Justine Amadi


Machine learning based Lung Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm

M.Sahaya Sheela, G. Amirthayogam, J. Jasmine Hephzipah, S. Gopalakrishnan, S.Ravi Chand


DARKNET-53 Convolutional Neural Network-Based Image Processing for Breast Cancer Detection

R. Rajkumar, S. Gopalakrishnan, K. Praveena, M. Venkatesan, K. Ramamoorthy, J. Jasmine Hephzipah


IoT Revolutionizes Humidity Measurement and Management in Smart Cities to Enhance Health and Wellness

Pushan Kumar Dutta, Bhupinder Singh, Al-Sayed K. Towfeek, Jovanna Pantelis Adamopoulou, Antonis Nikos Bardavouras, Wilson Bamwerinde, Benson Turyasingura, Natal Ayiga


An optimized Framework for kidney disease Detection and Prediction Using DL Techniques

El-Sayed M. El-Kenawy, Marwa M. Eid, Ahmed M. Elshewey, Ahmed M. Osman


Machine Learning techniques to Predictive in Healthcare: Hepatitis C Diagnosis

Hussein Alkattan, Bashar Talib Al-Nuaimi, Alhumaima Ali Subhi


Hybrid Model Approaches for Accurate Time Series Predicting of COVID-19 Cases

Hussein Alkattan, Bashar Talib Al-Nuaimi, Alhumaima Ali Subhi, Benson Turyasingura


Measuring the Effectiveness of AI Tools in Clinical Research and Writing: A Case Study in Healthcare

Sani Salisu, Osamah Mohammed Alyasiri, Hussain A. Younis, Thaeer Mueen Sahib, Ahmed Hussein Ali, Ameen A Noor, Israa M. Hayder


Machine learning Helps in Quickly Diagnosis Cases of "New Corona"

Maad M. Mijwil, Ioannis Adamopoulos , Pramila Pudasaini
